Saturday, 24 December 2016

Danny's Achievments so far

'Try not to become a man of success, but a man of value'
Here is Danny at one of his therapy sessions with the speech therapist. She uses a machine from Switzerland with plays classical music and she alters the frequency of the music each time he listens to it, it exercises the muscles in the ear and improves auditory processing which he has been delayed in. His therapist is really pleased with his progress and so many people have commented on how well he is coming on with his speech, he used to stutter a little and get stuck on words or pronounce them incorrectly and he doesn't have any of that now and he doesn't get frustrated as he can easily get across what he wants to say.

This is his end of year certificate for pre school. He will go back in the new year but only for one day a week instead of 2 as he will be going to Nulsen Primary school kindergarten for 2 days a week. I have been really happy with his pre school and he is loving it, but he has been asking to go to 'big' school and I think he will benefit from being in a bigger class where he can make more friends.

I thought he did a great job of colouring in Chase here. He absolutely loves drawing at the minute and draws on a daily basis, he particularly likes drawing cookies and the octopod from the octonauts. He also loves graffiti art and will spend ages drawing on the concrete with chalk.

More therapy. 'Early musical training helps develop brain areas involved in language and reasoning. It is thought that brain development continues for many years after birth. Recent studies have clearly indicated that musical training physically develops the part of the left side of the brain known to be involved with processing language, and can actually wire the brain's circuits in specific ways.'
We are working on encouraging him to describe things and at the moment he says things like 'her' instead of 'she' so just helping him with his grammar, it takes him quite a few prompts until he remembers.

I think every child should be given chores to do. I never make Danny do chores, he quite often asks. He has a reward chart and he knows he will get a tick if he does a chore and eventually he earns a toy. He loves using a spray bottle. Other chores he has are to feed the dogs, bring the post in, gardening and cooking. It helps self esteem by giving children chores as it helps them to feel valued and important in the maintenance of the house.

Christmas Part 1

Serena enjoyed dressing as a reindeer when we were at dinner for the volunteers

Then we found a Santa that was her size!
Danny and Meeka making Gingerbread houses at school, although I think Meeka is just tasting it!

Bunnings had a Christmas family night so we decided to take a little elf! Everyone made such a fuss of her.

Danny and Meeka at the tennis club fundraiser

Meeting Santa
Danny was delighted with his Paw Patrol toys that Meeka bought him for Christmas, he opened his present early as Meeka went to QLD on Thursday for Christmas and then she is off to Fiji for a holiday, we will miss her!

Danny was very excited to make Gingerbread men and while we were at it we made snowmen and Santa hats too

It's Christmas Eve now and the kids are both asleep, Danny is very excited for Santa visiting and he has left him a beer, water, a fredo frog and some rice crackers and the reindeer have some carrots waiting for them.

Steadfast Serena

Serena loves climbing. Every time she sees a slide she will climb the ladder and God forbid if you try to help her, she will have none of it, but when she realises she needs help she is quick to let you know! This is a slide we have in the front garden, she is very capable of climbing the ladder by herself and when she is bored with that she will climb up the slide.

Once she reaches the top she will look around full of pride and let out a satisfied screech whilst bopping up and down.

She love this swing too, facing her brother

The rain doesn't even stop her!

She observes everything that Danny does and assumes she can do the same. This photo was taken well past her morning nap time but she was so excited by our visit from Meeka and she didn't want to miss a thing so she joined in with painting.

This day the both of them spent about an hour in the back garden making mud pies. Serena was filling a container with water and pouring it on the mud and Danny was getting his hands dirty, great teamwork going on!

We went on the miniature train this morning

Serena saw herself on the iPhone screen!

Her personality is really showing now, she is one determined little girl and so independent, she wont let me help her with a cup if I can see she is going to spill it, she will go mad a pull away and ends up spilling even more! She doesn't seem scared of anything. Her and Danny get on very well and he is getting better at being gentle with her. They chase each other around the house in fits of laughter, Danny calls her 'Big Baby' after the doll from Toy Story 3, I hope that nickname doesn't stick, although I am sure Serena will see it won't.

She says mama, dada, baba and she shakes her head when she doesn't want something. She likes to draw and paint when Danny does. She loves puppets at the minute and she has a few animal puppets, she gives you one and makes a noise as if she is telling you to play with the puppet, so you put the puppet on your hand and make the noise of the animal and she smiles and then gives you another puppet and makes the same sound and so it goes on.

She loves looking at books now too and she has a small collection of hardback ones, she particularly likes a one with pictures of animals in and points to all the animals. She also enjoys playing with a ball and throws it  and rolls it along the floor.

Thursday, 22 December 2016

Best Friends for Life

Spidermen reuinited!
Calvin's beautiful sister Charlie

Calvin was quite overwhelmed when he saw Danny again in November, it had been so long since they had seen each other. He soon got used to the idea that his best friend was with him though and it was like they had never been apart. Here they are playing in the playground at the caravan park where Calvin was staying.


Danny had his first ever sleepover in Calvin's caravan. He was very excited and so brave to be away from mammy and daddy for a whole night! As we said goodnight, Calvin put his order in to his mammy for 2 milks whilst waving 2 fingers in the air.

On the day we left Albany we met up with Calvin and his family for lunch and drinks and the kids had a final play in the park.

I think Danny and Calvin will always be the best of friends. I am so pleased that Calvin and his family visit Albany every 2 years. We will hopefully make a trip up North some time soon.